Nonproliferation and International Nuclear Safeguards in a Changing World

This Summer, Brookhaven National Laboratory will be offering their annual safeguards short course, “Nonproliferation and International Nuclear Safeguards in a Changing World.” The course will situate the international safeguards and the verification responsibilities of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) within the larger nonproliferation regime and present participants with critical assessments of key nonproliferation issues. It aims to give participants the basic knowledge, analytic tools, and the motivation to contribute to the improvement of the nonproliferation regime. This program is open to current graduate students, recent graduates, and early-career professionals working in relevant fields such as national security, foreign policy, nuclear energy, energy policy, and other related technical and policy areas. It is offered free of cost to participants.


Applications are due by February 28, 2025. More information, including instructions on how to apply, can be found at


Alejandra Gonzalez-Torres

Phone: 631.599.1674


Registration is open.


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