IAEA Safeguards: From Theory to Practice Course

The National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Nonproliferation and Arms Control Human Capital Development Subprogram is hosting the IAEA Safeguards: From Theory to Practice course at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.  The course provides participants with a fundamental understanding of the nuclear fuel cycle, the nuclear nonproliferation regime, international safeguards agreements, and verification mechanisms through lectures and hands-on activities.


The course is a 5-day, activity-based training is designed for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of nonproliferation and international safeguards concepts. This course offers participants the opportunity to engage with experts in the field while enhancing their knowledge of applied international safeguards. Through a combination of lectures and practical activities, attendees will gain valuable insights into the nuclear fuel cycle, the nuclear nonproliferation regime, and various international safeguards agreements and verification mechanisms. This experience is ideal for those looking to expand their expertise and engage with professionals in the domain of international safeguards.


The prerequisites include:

  1. Ability to describe international safeguards objectives and why are safeguards necessary.
  2. Previous exposure to international safeguards, including but not limited to professional experience and/or safeguards-related courses.
  3. Willingness to complete specified required reading and videos prior to the course.
  4. Available to participate in mandatory pre-course briefing.


The course has no registration fee for selected participants. Participants will be responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses (transportation, lodging, meals that are not provided during the course, etc.).



May 12-16, 2025



Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA



The course will be conducted from approximately from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm each day.


Send questions regarding the course to Sonia Reed or Gianna Delorey at [email protected]


Application Deadline:

March 14, 2025



Sonia Reed

Supplemental Materials

View Brochure


Registration is currently open.


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