2024 International Nuclear Safeguards Policy and Information Analysis Course

Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), in support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), are pleased to announce the 2024 International Nuclear Safeguards Policy and Information Analysis Course, a one-week, tuition-free, intensive course in Monterey, California, and up to five paid summer internships at LLNL.

The course is tuition free and open to all nationalities. Some stipend aid may be available to nonlocal applicants to partially cover transportation and housing.

Course applicants who are U.S. citizens may also apply for a ten-week paid internship at LLNL. The internships pay $7,000 total, which is paid in two installments of $3,500. A selection panel will interview qualified applicants for internships. Successful completion of the course is a prerequisite for the internships.

The course is open to all nationalities. Applicants must be either currently enrolled graduate students or young professionals interested in safeguards and nonproliferation. Applicants for LLNL internships, however, must be U.S. citizens

We are interested in applicants who demonstrate that a deeper understanding of international safeguards policy will aid their professional pursuits.


Dr. George Moore

Phone: 831.647.4613

Supplemental Materials

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Registration is closed

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