IAEA Safeguards: From Theory to Practice

The National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Nonproliferation and Arms Control Human Capital
Development Subprogram is hosting an in-person training course for early- and mid-career professionals
interested in gaining a greater understanding of nonproliferation, international safeguards concepts and
engagement with safeguards experts.


  1. Ability to describe international safeguards objectives and why are safeguards necessary.
  2. Previous exposure to international safeguards, including but not limited to professional experience and/or safeguards-related courses.
  3. Willingness to complete specified required reading and videos prior to the course.
  4. Available to participate in pre-course briefing and have a basic understanding of international nuclear safeguards.


At the completion of this course, participants will have a greater understanding of the following topics and be able to apply them in their future work activities:

  1. Structure, content, hierarchy, and evolution of documents associated with nuclear nonproliferation and international safeguards.
  2. Discuss the provisions of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
  3. Analyze a State’s nuclear fuel cycle.
  4. Analyze safeguards objectives and approaches.
  5. Describe safeguards implementation at facilities (technologies, techniques, and equipment).
  6. Describe the ongoing evaluation of all safeguards and relevant information available to the IAEA about the State.

Event Location

Richland, Washington, USA


Supplemental Materials

View Brochure


Registration is now closed.

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